Nancy Freund
All about words!

A Scattershot Novel of Racing, Dares and Danger, Occasional Nakedness, and Faith
May 10, 2015
(Mother's Day in the USA)
ISBN trade paperback:
ebook: 978-0-9887084-6-4
* Foreword Reviews Finalist, INDIEFAB Book of the Year, Young Adult.
*Indie BRAG Medallion winner
* Writer's Digest Honorable Mention, Middle-Grade/Young Adult Fiction category
"... a true literary masterpiece, right up there with A Fault in Our Stars." -- All4Women.co.za,
It's 1976. The USA turns 200 while scrappy agnostic Sandy Drue turns 10, finds an electric typewriter in her father's office, and begins turning out page after page on the conflicting demands of burgeoning adolescence and her own quiet search for the Meaning of Life.
The result is a beguiling collection of loosely linked short stories and vignettes, gathered by a now 13-year-old Sandy into an unconventional novel structured like a blog, long before blogging.
In the wake of the Watergate scandal, American society is in a state of bewilderment, the economy is fragile, and Sandy's friends are secretly reading Judy Blume -- against their mothers' warnings. The Drue family has moved from New York to Small Town USA where Sandy and her brother try to find their way to fit in. What they find instead is something ultimately more valuable.
Mailbox is an unusual mother-daughter love story that is both hopeful and heartbreaking... profound and good fun.
"Deep, delightful, and compulsively readable."
Cover by JD Smith Design
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International Families' Favorite Recipes
photographer and assistant editor, Jennifer Scanlon
November 11, 2014
ISBN hardcover:
ebook: 978-0-9887084-3-3
* Eric Hoffer Prize, Honorable Mention.
* Amazon #1 Bestseller
141 recipes from 102 international families from 41 countries.
Inspired by the International School of Lausanne's annual International Day, when the school's diverse families
share their culture's favorite home-cooked meals with the 600+ school children, this book lovingly assembles more than 140 recipes, from starters to side-dishes to desserts and cocktails, generously submitted by current and past families and friends of ISL. Plenty of fabulous photos showcase the day, the food, the national dress, and the cross-cultural fun.
And as far as the food is concerned, everything's delicious, everything's international, and most of it's easy to cook!
All proceeds of 'Global Home Cooking' support ISL's International Baccalaureate scholarship.
Cover by JD Smith Design
Available from your favorite bookseller or click Amazon.
Swiss francs chf 80.00
print $80.00 £50.00
ebook $9.99 £7.56

September 1, 2013
ISBN trade paperback:
ebook: 978-09887084-1-9
- * Foreword Reviews Finalist for Book of the Year in General Fiction.
- * Eric Hoffer Prize category finalist.
- * Indie BRAG Medallion winner
Rapeseed is a many-colored, cross-cultural novel of a remarkable woman's self-discovery and family secrets. It's about moving abroad to finally find heart and home.
Challenging what we know about our senses, Rapeseed features a synesthetic mom from Kansas with cross-wired colors, smells, and sounds in her letters, her numbers, and her turbulent memories. When her husband's job moves the family to England, Carolann Cooper's carefully constructed history is cracked open -- just as her teenage son enjoys risky new freedoms abroad. Carolann navigates busy London and winding country roads in search of answers. She must urgently find out who she really is, to reconcile her past with her family's future.
"Funny, engaging, and painfully true." -- Meg Gardiner, Edgar award winning author of The Shadow Tracer
print $15.00 £7.99
euro 10.00
ebook $9.99 £6.96
Cover by JD Smith Design
Spanish translation, July 2015
Portuguese translation,September 2015