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Flash Fiction

.December 13, ​2022

"Window Dolls " Flash fiction by Nancy Freund in Bending Genres

"Nominated for Best Small Fictions Anthology 2022"

December 8, 2022

"Radio on The Fish Tank" Flash Fiction by Nancy Freund in The Disappointed Housewife

April 15, 2022

"The Colour of Heart" at Fictive Dream, a collaboration with Kinneson Lalor (

March 21, 2022

"Gulls" by Nancy Freund in The Citron Review

"Nominated for Best Microfiction Anthology 2022"

May 21, 2021

"Repeat-After-Me" Flash Fiction in the 'hermit crab' form by Nancy Freund

Per its Twitter introduction: I'm just going to warn you up front; this is huge huge fun to read out loud. And if you can find somebody else to read it out loud with, doubly fun! 

May 1, 2021

"Schefflera" Flash Fiction by Nancy Freund

A load of plants, swirling winds, a bad boss, and a great kid at home.

February 26, 2021

"A Yellow Tulip" Flash Fiction by Nancy Freund

Delicious layering of images and alliteration, in a rich and simple story

August 6, 2020

"If You Say I Aim Too High from Down Below" Ekphrastic Flash Fiction by Nancy Freund

A trapeze artist piece inspired by Lykke Li's "I'm Good I'm Gone"

June 4, 2020

Flash Fiction piece by Nancy Freund

A reading, plus a little discussion of what flash fiction *is,* soon after

May 12, 2020

"Simple Math" Flash Fiction by Nancy Freund

July 2, 2019

"Anaconda" flash fiction by Nancy Freund

Highly Recommended. Story and Interview with the author.

October 12, 2016

Mailbox was an Honorable Mention in the Middle-Grade/Young Adult Fiction category for Writer’s Digest’s Self-Published Book Awards. The book will also be listed in the March/April 2017 issue of Writer’s Digest.

March 8, 2015

"Every chapter is a jewel of a scene, a life lesson full of innocence and intellect and such humor. "

March 7, 2015

Foreword reviews announces 'Mailbox' is named a finalist for the 2015 INDIEFAB Book of the Year Award, Young Adult category.

March 7, 2016

'Mailbox' is selected by the Independent Book Publishers Association for the cover of Publishers Weekly. Inside page of this print publication includes title information.

November 11, 2015.

"Freund writes with infectious vitality, perfectly channeling the voice of Sandy in all her precocious naiveté."

July 29, 2015.

"I really enjoyed the short chapters and the style of writing that was so easy to pick up, but not so easy to put down! It made the book a perfect holiday read, grabbing 10 minutes here and there, it did also lead me into reading well into the night by torchlight from my camp bed, which I felt was something Sandy herself would have approved of! This is simply another brilliant book from a great author..."

July 1, 2015. How to Pull Back the Curtain and Reveal All in Your Writing by Nancy Freund

June 19, 2015.

"If you grew up on Judy Blume novels, then this one is for you! ...I decided that this book had stolen my heart and was a true literary masterpiece, right up there with The Fault in Our Stars (my other favourite book I've read this year)."

May 28, 2015.

Hannah Murray and Nancy Freund chat on The Book Show, Talk Radio Europe, about 'Mailbox,' the 1970s, Judy Blume, Sandy Drue, coming-of-age, freedom of expression, synesthesia, structure of novels and short story, and more. 10 minutes.

May 28, 2015.

Tony Johnston and Nancy Freund chat on Drive Time, WRS, about 'Mailbox,' with a surprise excerpt reading, and 6 Geneva Writers Group authors doing a writer-reader event at Lausanne's favorite English language bookstore, Books Books Books on 6th June. Tea and scones from 3:30, and books by Daniela Norris, Susan Tiberghien, Massimo Marino, Lesley Lawson Botez, Katie Hayoz, and Nancy Freund. 10 minutes.

May, 2015.

Global Home Cooking' is awarded 2015 Honorable Mention , Eric Hoffer Book Award, Home Category.

'Rapeseed' is named a 2015 category finalist, Eric Hoffer Book Award, General Fiction.

May 21, 2015. Review of 'Mailbox' by Nicole Sweeney

"One thing about Mailbox is that it is full of emotion, one story might make you laugh out loud, while the next will bring you to tears... Mailbox is a very powerful read, and one that I think stays with you even after you’ve finished reading it."

May 18, 2015. Review of 'Mailbox.'

"Mailbox is a book you’d love to have nearby at all times. It is reminiscent of childhood fears and triumphs, an amazing ability of a human mind to create and weave a story of life’s happenings... The book is magical due to the feelings and emotions it evokes. And that is what we call a masterpiece."

May 10, 2015. Review of 'Rapeseed' by Debbie Young.

"I couldn’t put this book down. It was the only thing to distract me from the General Election results that were being reported live as I was reading it."

May 1, 2015. Review of 'Mailbox' by Dara.

"I loved this book for a lot of reasons. Firstly, I too kept a journal when I was Sandy’s age. I identified with her stories and the way she shared them. I found myself wondering if the author had written the stories when she was an adolescent because she captures the adolescent voice so well. Another thing that I loved was discovering that the book actually takes place in Kansas City."

May 1, 2015. Article by Nancy Freund.

April 28, 2015. Sirenland Stories: Sirenuse Synesthesia by Nancy Freund.

April 22, 2015. GinaAlana reviews 'Mailbox.'

"A great novel which has made me want to read Nancy’s other work and also provided me with plenty of food for thought."

April, 2015.

Everlasting Blume. Celebrating the June launch of Judy Blume's title, 'In the Unlikely Event,' Diana Rissetto digs in to the timeless joys of Judy Blume's fiction... with help from Sandy Drue in 'Mailbox.'  

March 10, 2015. 4-star review.

"Author Nancy Freund has the ability to make the voice of one character sound like the voice of an entire generation."

March 25, 2015. Jean Vallesteros interviews Nancy Freund on all the nitty gritty, such as:

How would you describe yourself in three words?

Optimistic. Resourceful. ALittleWacky.

March 19, 2015. 'Empfire blog' reviews 'Mailbox.'

"The book also touches on some American history that, as a Brit, I didn’t really know about, such as the Watergate scandal. But again, it’s fun to see a child’s opinions on politics. I’m on about the same level as Sandy even though I’m 21!"

February 21, 2015. College Girl Dai publishes first advance review of 'Mailbox.'

"Sandy’s stories will take you on a roller coaster while collecting life gems along the way."

December 5, 2014 'Eat and Drink with Anna' food blog features Swedish Chocolate Balls from 'Global Home Cooking' with gorgeous photos too.

May 28, 2014. UKMums.TV reviews 'Rapeseed' and names it Book of the Month.

May 13, 2014. Daily Mail article on synaesthesia variations by Nancy Freund

Spring, 2014. 'Alumna Writes Her Reality' interview

May 6, 2014. Beautiful book review of 'Rapeseed.' 

April 29, 2014. 20-minute radio interview: Jo Good and Nancy Freund on synesthesia and Rapeseed

Link here to BBC London 94.9 Jo Good show in general. 300,000 listeners daily, 3pm -5pm.

April 25, 2014. Exclusive Interview with Nancy Freund 

April 15, 2014. Review of 'Rapeseed.'

April 14, 2014. Review of 'Rapeseed.'

Link here to WRS Book Banter page in general. (Most recent 5 features) 

March 7, 2014. Book Banter interview with Nancy Freund

August 29, 2013

Feature on Nancy Freund, 'Rapeseed,' and Gobreau Press.

September 6, 2013

Research Notes on writing 'Rapeseed'

September 20, 2013

Interview with Nancy Freund, author of 'Rapeseed'

September 14, 2013

Crazy Perseverence: A Writers Write Interview with Nancy Freund

June, 2013. p 33/39

Keeping Track: On the Trail of Local Writers, Nancy Freund

March 6, 2014 - April 2, 2014

Goodreads Giveaway. Click link to enter and read reviews

June 08, 2013

Prize-winning short story "Marcus" by Nancy Freund

Two-hundred members strong, from 25 countries, the Geneva Writers' Group celebrates its 20th anniversary with the announcement of its first fiction prize, awarded to Marcus, by Nancy Freund, chosen by writer, Bret Lott.

"What I liked best about Marcus was the sort of disjointed, fragmented tone and texture of this stark and foreboding tale. A young man trying to figure things out, trying to figure how to tell his story, doing the best he can, and doing the wrong thing. A full and rich and startling story." -- Bret Lott, author of Oprah book club pick, Jewel

Copyright © 2023 . Nancy Freund.

All rights reserved. 

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